Since its introduction in 2017, the Greek cash rebate scheme has played an integral role in boosting audiovisual production in the country. From April 2018 until January 2022, 192 titles been included in the cash rebate programme (105 domestic and 87 international productions), whereas the total of invested capital in the country amounts to €294 million in film, TV and animation projects.
A new law introduced in 2018 (4563/2018) increased the rebate to 35%, while updated recent legistlation (Law 4704/2020) raised the percentage even more, reaching 40% of cash return on all eligible spent for filming and/or post-production in Greece. The recent amendents also provide for a more flexible floor for TV series (€15,000-€25,000 per episode), a new minimum for digital games (€30,000), and also include short films with a minimum of €60,000 eligible spend. The rebate caps at €12 million for any one project, and can also serve as collateral for producers to obtain funds through the Greek banking system.
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